Online Help

Role-Play Assistants

Prerequisites: Story Council Membership  

Role-play assistants are players who receive a few abilities normally
reserved for immortals in order to facilitate role- playing events (stories
or plots) for other players.

Once they initiate a role-play event with the
StartRP event, all players are
made aware of it and it continues to run until they issue the
EndRP command.

They are trusted with the echo commands and several specific instances of
force (
fsay, fsayto, and fsmote) and immortal-level results for the who and
reward commands, under certain circumstances. The pertinent help files
for each ability are linked below.

* Abuse of these abilities will result in expulsion from the Story Council
and potential additional punishment.

Related topics...

Echo/Recho/Echoat/Areaecho Role-Play REWARD Starting and Ending a Role-Play Event
Story Council Using ECHO Commands
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