Online Help

Starting and Ending a Role-Play Event

Syntax: startrp <Role-play Event Descriptor> 

Syntax: endrp

Prerequisites: Story Council Membership

The startrp command initiates role-play assistant abilities. The endrp
command terminates those abilities. A role-play assistant has access to the
echo, echoat, areaecho, and recho (see respective help files) in
order to run small, simple stories and entertain other players.

Other players will see an echo when you begin your role-play event:

startrp fishing trip will produce this echo to the game...

A story event has begun: fishing trip

Players who log in while your event is running will be given a notice about
your event.

* Your "Event Descriptor" can be anything from a simple and vague title to a
specific title and a short description indicating the location, as
appropriate. Whatever you put in as an argument after the
startrp command
will be what players see.

* Please remember to use the endrp command when your event ends

* Abuse of this privilege will result in immediate expulsion from the Story
Council and potential additional punishment.

Related topics...

Echo/Recho/Echoat/Areaecho Role-Play Assistants Role-Play REWARD
Story Council
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