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Syntax: kismet
Syntax: account

Kismet is a measure of the player's (not the character's)
experience and ability. (
Glory, similiarly, measures this in
the context of each character.)

Players earn kismet by actively playing the game and through
rewards from other players and from staff. Each hour of play
earns one point of kismet (if the PC is active, idle time is
not eligible for kismet points). Player and staff rewards in
game confer various amounts of kismet points.

The staff can take kismet away as punishment when players do
not follow the game rules.

Kismet can be spent to unlock new starting towns, new races,
and combinations of race and class. This is done in order to
ensure that players have sufficient experience to enjoy some
of the more difficult choices of role while maintaining FK's
level of roleplay integrity. It can also be used for certain
other roles at the staff's discretion (e.g. special roleplay
or PC positions).

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Player Council Restart Welcome to Forgotten Kingdoms
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