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Sememmon, Lord of Darkhold

The able lieutenant of Manshoon for Years, Sememmon serves as the Lord 
of Darkhold within the Zhentarim. He rose to his current rank by being
unfailingly polite, competent, and obedient to the letter of orders
given by Manshoon. Sememmon is calculating, cunning, and always has an
escape plan ready no matter what he is doing. A former apprentice of
Manshoon, he swiftly eliminated his rivals and eluded blame. His skills
as a master diplomat have been honed over the years as he picks up the
pieces of the Zhentarim after Fzoul and Manshoon's wild plots and excess
break it. According to many members of the Zhentarim, Sememmon -is- the
Black Network.

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