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Fzoul was a middling fanatical priest of Bane during the Time of
Troubles, and rose to power when he became a Chosen of Bane and
host to Bane's spirit for a short while during that period. Fzoul is a born
survivor, and upon the death of Bane at the hands of Torm, converted
nominally to the faith of Cyric, becoming High Priest of Cyric in Zhentil
Keep. Upon the return of Bane, Fzoul denounced Cyric and became
High Priest of Bane, whom he had always kept faithful to in his heart.
Fzoul is ruthless in acheiving his goals and the goals of Bane, and is
quick to employee murder to remove any and all opposition, where it
will not backfire on him. He is a strong fighting priest, and wields
significant power in Zhentil Keep.

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