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Zhentil Keep

Zhentil Keep is the home of the infamous Zhentarim. It is also a center of
worship for the evil god Cyric. Zhentil Keep is located on the western shore
of the Moonsea on the river Tesh. The city is constantly at war with the
Dalelands to the southwest.

* While anyone may visit Zhentil Keep, goodly souls, particularly those of
repute or openly wearing their symbol of a beneficent deity, should
appreciate that they may find themselves scorned, harassed, or worse. Goodly
nature aside, the Church of Cyric harbours particular hate for Mystra and
Kelemvor, and their followers should watch their step within the Keep. While
Zhentil Keep is predominantly lawful evil, the law there is both capricious
and spotty. One can not count upon it for protection, or even consistent
treatment. One wrong step in the place can lead to anyone's demise.

Zhentil Keep is a hometown.

Area created by Tyr and Blythe.

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