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Mpmset and mpmadd fields

For builders with high level god testing characters on the testport, many of these commands can be used with mset for testing and for OLC. Some fields cannot be mpmadd or cannot be mpmset. If a sample is not given for mpmadd or mpmset, then that particular field cannot be mpmset or mpmadd 'd.

affected Sets what a mobile or PC is affected by. Refer to Mobiles Affect Flags Lesson for a list of affected flags.
mpmset $n affected blindness
align Sets the permanent alignment of a PC and the alignment of a mobile. Do not set a PC's alignment in quests but rather set their lawful and their good. See Mobile Alignments Lesson for more information on alignments.
mpmset $n align 1000
mpmadd $n align 100
armor Sets the virtual armour type. See Object Armour Types Lesson for a list of armour types.
mpmset $n armor 10
Use the bit vector, not the word.
blood Blood is required for vampires.
mpmset $n blood 100
mpmadd $n blood 10
cartowner Sets the owner for a cart

mpmset $n cartowner cartobj
mpmset $n cartowner none
cha Sets the charisma of target
Value must be between 3 and 18 for PC's and 3 to 25 for Mobiles.
mpmset $n cha 19
mpmadd $n cha 1
class Sets the class of the PC or mobile. PC's can only be 1 of four classes; rogue, wizard, warrior and priest. There should be no reason for changing a PC's class. See Mobiles Class Lesson for a list of possible mobile classes.
mpmset $n class rogue
con Sets the constitution of target
Value must be between 3 and 18 for PC's and 3 to 25 for Mobiles.
mpmset $n con 19
mpmadd $n con 1
currhp Sets the current hitpoints of a PC or mobile. It does not affect the maximum hitpoints.
mpmset $n currhp 100
mpmadd $n currhp 10
mpmadd $n currhp -10
currmana Sets the current mana of a PC or mobile. It does not affect the maximum mana.
mpmset $n currmana 100
mpmadd $n currmana 10
mpmadd $n currmana -10
currmove Sets the current move/stamina of a PC or a mobile. It does not affect the maximum move.
mpmset $n currmove 100
mpmadd $n currmove 10
mpmadd $n currnove -10
damroll Sets the damroll on a mobile. You should not use this field without permission.
mpmset $i damroll 10
mpmadd $i damroll 1
defpos This sets the position that mobiles revert to after a fight. This field is no longer used by FKMud.
mpmset $i defpos 1
deity Sets the deity of a PC or a mobile. Never set the deity of a player without asking permission from the Area Admins. See Mobile Deities Lesson for a listing of deities.
mpmset $n deity mystra
dex Sets the dexterity of target
Value must be between 3 and 18 for PC's and 3 to 25 for Mobiles.
mpmset $n dex 19
mpmadd $n dex 1
drunk Sets the drunk level of a PC. Ranges from 0 to 50.
mpmset $n drunk 40
mpmadd $n drunk 5
mpmadd $n drunk -1
emotion Sets the emotion state of the PC. This field is not utilised in the game.
mpmset $n emotion 20
mpmadd $n emotion 10
favor Sets the favor of a PC. Favor goes from -1000 to 1000. In most cases it would be best to use mpmadd.
mpmset $n favor 500
mpmadd $n favor 50
feats Sets the number of feat points for a PC.
mpmset $n feats 19
mpmadd $n feats 1
flags Sets the act flags of a mobile. Refer to Mobiles Flags Lesson for a list of flags. You cannot set flags on a PC.
mpmset $n flags noassist
full Sets the hunger level of a PC. Ranges from 50 (full) to -50 (starving).
mpmset $n full 40
mpmadd $n full 10
mpmadd $n full -10
good Sets the PC's hidden good alignment field. It ranges from 1000 to -1000. In general it is best to use mpmadd for this field.
mpmset $n good 500
mpmadd $n good 50
mpmadd $n good -50
height Sets the height of a PC to a specific height in inches.
mpmset $n height 72
mpmadd $n height 1
hitroll Sets the hitroll on a mobile. You should not use this field without permission.
mpmset $n hitroll 10
mpmadd $n hitroll 1
hometown Sets the hometown of a player. This is only done as part of character creation.
mpmset $n hometown waterdeep
hp Sets the maximum hitpoints of a PC or a mobile. There is no reason to set a PC's maximum hitpoints.
mpmset $n hp 300
mpmadd $n hp 1
immune Sets the mobile or PC's immunities. This field is no longer used by FKMud.
int Sets the intelligence of target
Value must be between 3 and 18 for PC's and 3 to 25 for Mobiles.
mpmset $n int 19
mpmadd $n int 1
kismet Sets the current kismet of the PC's account. Most areas would not set kismet. It is mostly used in character creation.
mpmset $n kismet 100
mpmadd $n kismet 10
lawful Sets the PC's hidden lawful alignment. It ranges from -1000 to 1000. In most instances it is best to use mpmadd for this field.
mpmset $n lawful 500
mpmadd $n lawful 10
mpmadd $n lawful -10
lck Sets the luck of target
Value must be between 3 and 18 for PC's and 3 to 25 for Mobiles.
leader This sets the leader on a PC or mobile, who they are following.
mpmset $i leader $n
level Sets the level of a mobile. Level can range from 1 to 50. Do not use this on PCs.
mpmset $i level 50
mpmadd $i level 1
long Sets the long description of a mobile. It should never be used on a PC.
mpmset $i long {70}A large soldier stands on guard here.
lycanthrope Sets the race number for cursed weres or 1000 plus the race number for pure or true lycanthropes. See the Mobile Races Lesson for race numbers or check showrace on the test port.
mpmset $n lycanthrope racenum
mana Sets the maximum mana or a PC or a mobile. There is no reason to set a PC's maximum mana.
mpmset $i mana 100
mpmadd $i mana 10
material This sets the material of the virtual armour that the mobile is wearing. See Object Materials Lesson for a listing of material types.
mpmset $i material 10
Use the bit vector and not the word.
master Sets the master of a mobile. The mobile becomes the pet or mount for the PC.
mpmset $i master $n - Sets the mobile into the pet slot.
mpmset $i master $n horse - Sets the mobile into the mount slot.
mentalstate Sets the mentalstate of the PC. It ranges from 100 to -100.
mpmset $n mentalstate -100
mpmadd $n mentalstate -20
move Sets the maximum move/stamina of a PC or a mobile. There is no reason to set a PC's maximum move.
mpmset $i move 500
mpmadd $i move 50
name Sets the keywords of a mobile.
mpmset $i name mQQ01 large tall soldier
It is best to make sure you use the mVNUM in there so that the game can find it easily.
percenthp Sets the percentage of the current hitpoints of a PC or mobile. It does not affect the maximum hitpoints.
mpmset $i percenthp 50
percentmana Sets the percentage of the current mana of a PC or mobile. It does not affect the maximum mana.
mpmset $i percentmana 50
percentmove Sets the percentage of the current move/stamina of a PC or mobile. It does not affect the maximum move.
mpmset $i percentmove 50
pos This sets the position of the mobile. Do not use on PC's, use force. In fact you can use force for mobiles as well. See Mobile Positions Lesson for a list of mobile positions.
mpmset $i pos 1
practice Sets the amount of stat points that a PC has. Do not use this without permission from the Area Admins.
mpmset $n practice 10
mpmadd $n practice 1
qp Sets the quest/glory points of a PC. Use mpmadd rather than mpmset for giving glory to a PC. Using mpmset could strip away hard earned glory points from a PC.
mpmset $n qp 10
mpmadd $n qp 1
quest See quest bits lesson for more information.
mpmset $n quest 0 4 10
mpmadd $n quest 0 4 1
quest_number This field is the same as quest, and it is no longer used by FKMud.
questr As for quest bits but sets the bits in another area. Use this when a mobile or object is likely to set bits on a PC outside of the area that the quest is in.
mpmset $n questr 8000 0 4 10
mpmadd $n questr 8000 0 4 1
race Sets the race of the PC or mobile. If you are ever to change the race or class of a PC you should consult with your Area Admin first. For a list of races refer to the Mobiles Race Lesson.
mpmset $i race elf
randquest This randomises quest bits. Do not use.
ris This field is no longer used by FKMud.
resist Sets the mobile or PC's resistance to the specified resistance. See Mobile Resistances Lesson for a list of resistances. This field sets the degree of resistance, ranging from 0% to 150%.
mpmset $n resist typenum amount
mpmadd $n resist typenum amount
resistant This is no longer used by FKMud.
sex Sets the sex of the PC or mobile. Value 0 for neuter, value 1 for male and value 2 for female.
mpmset $n sex 1
mpmadd $n sex 1
Use the bit vector number and not the word.
short Sets the short description of a mobile. It should never be used on a PC.
mpmset $i short {70}a short fat soldier
size Sets the size of a mobile. This is determined by the game by the race of the mobile. This field is not used on FKMud.
speaks This sets the PC or mobile to a language that they know and understand. Do not use this on PC's without permission.
mpmset $n speaks common
speaking This sets the PC or mobile to a language that they are currently speaking.
mpmset $n speaking common
spec Sets the special of a mobile. See the Specials Lesson for a list of special functions.
mpmset $i spec spec_guard
str Sets the strength of target
Value must be between 3 and 18 for PC's and 3 to 25 for Mobiles.
mpmset $n str 20
mpmadd $n str 1
susceptible Sets the mobile or PC's susceptabilities. This field is no longer used by FKMud.
thirst Sets the thirst of PC. Ranges from 50 (full) to -50 (thirsty).
mpmset $n thirst 20
mpmadd $n thirst 10
mpmadd $n thirst -10
title Sets the title of the PC. (What shows on the who list).
mpmset $n title of Waterdeep
weight Sets the weight of a PC to a specific weight in pounds.
mpmset $n weight 150
wis Sets the wisdom of target
Value must be between 3 and 18 for PC's and 3 to 25 for Mobiles.
mpmset $n wis 20
mpmadd $n wis 1